Dark Souls 2: Should I infuse, and with what


Yo, I am kinda a noob on infusions and stuff in Dark Souls 2. I am STR build with STR 42 and DEX 18 and was just wondering if I should infuse my +8 Large Club into lightning to make the Smelter Demon boss a little easier, as I have been having slight trouble with him. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

One thing you need to know about infusing with elemental attacks in DS2 is that it scales off of another ability score. With lightning, you'll be scaling off of your Faith. So, if your Faith is low, you won't be adding that much more damage.


Head there and read up on what different infusions will add for you. Just putting lightning or fire on something now won't just make it better. You'll need to be investing in other stats to make the infusion better for you. If your only big stats are Strength and Dexterity, then you might be better off just upgrading your weapon to +10 or get a better weapon that scales better.

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