Detonating a spice bloom in the middle of a spice field. Gain or Loss


In Dune2, detonating a solitary spice bloom surrounded by sand will yield a spice field. Sometimes one can find a bloom in the middle of a spice field. In order to maximize credits, should I attempt to harvest the field around it first or detonate it straight away? Will there be any difference?

Best Answer

For max profit, collect the spice around the bloom first, then detonate the spice bloom. A spice field can only hold certain amount of spice in them and any excessive spice is "wasted", AKA lost. Darker the spice field is, the more spice it has in it.

It can also serve as good "back up", in case you end up without any field in late game, allowing you to create new fields.

Also, unless my memory is playing a trick on me, more blooms will appear over time, so you never truly run out of spice.