Diablo III – New Legendary Items Availability at Level 70 in Diablo III Torment Difficulty


When choosing difficulty, all the Torment difficulty settings have this statement:

New legendary items become available at level 70

Does this mean that for, say, Torment VI, there are legendary items that can drop that will never, ever, drop on lower difficulties?

The torment difficulties, that all have this statement, each have their own separate loot table that builds on the previous one, but adds specific items that can only be obtained on that level and above?

Best Answer

Certain items that have been added to the game as it's been developed were never added for levels lower than 70. That's why you see that statement.

There are also legendaries that ONLY drop in Torment difficulties. As long as you are level 70 and playing on Torment 1, you will have a chance at getting ALL legendary drops.

The only benefit on going to a higher Torment level is a greater chance of a legendary dropping. (and more exp in general)