Diablo 3 license transfer


I'm looking into getting another computer and am wondering if I'd be able to continue my D3 account on another PC. Will my valid. code still be honored the second time I install on the new comp? Or would I have to purchase another..?

Any input would be appreciated.

Best Answer

You shouldn't need to enter the licence key a second time. When you install Diablo 3, it associates the licence key with your Battle.net account - not with the installed copy of Diablo 3. Once you have associated the licence key, you can log on to any instance of Diablo 3 with your Battle.net account and have access to your characters, etc.

What that means in your case is that you should be able to install Diablo 3 with no issues, and then just log in with your existing Battle.net account without worrying about licence keys.