Diablo 3, loot system, PS4


So me and a friend have been playing on the PS4 Diablo 3 for a week or so, and he started before me and was a higher level, and I was a lower level, but then I passed him. Now were both in the paragon levels (I'm still higher level) all of my armor is legendary, in sets, and I have an ancient weapon, he only has a couple, I'm way weaker than him (I'm a demon Hunter and he's a wizard) but 8/10 of the loot goes to me 90% of the time and I get all of the legendaries and when he gets one finally I still also get one. I know the loot system follows the levels and the class. And I also know the game favors the lower levels, or weaker. So why is this happening? Is there any way to change it?
(Sorry if this is really stupid but I honestly can't find anything)

Best Answer

VanBuzzKill nailed it on the head, but let's go a little in depth for an answer:

Loot drops on a per-player basis. Let's say, for instance, that you and your friend are fighting the Butcher. Once you kill him, great and bountiful loot and blood spill around the arena. The loot drops that you see will not be what your friend sees. For you, perhaps a Manald Heal ring drops; for your friend, perhaps a Unity set ring drops.

There is very little you can do to influence this, as there are no items or mechanics that can game the system like this.

The only way the game favors a lower level player in co-op is by upping their skills/damage numbers a bit until they reach a certain level. This has nothing to do with item drop rates.