Diablo – Are some Dungeons and Cursed Chests not always on the map


There are some achievements in Diablo 3 under the Campaign category where you're supposed to clear all cursed chests and explore all dungeons. But where are they?

I have gone through the complete map several times, but there are some dungeons and some cursed chests (presumably in the missing dungeons?) that I just can't find.

Do they only appear on the map once in a blue moon?

Best Answer

There is a blue answer for this in the official forum:

Cursed events are similar to other events in the game. They do have some degree of randomness, such as where exactly in a dungeon they spawn (if they spawn at all).

If you are just missing some events/dungeons you can look if there exist bounties for this and start creating games until the bounty is available. When this is the case the event is guaranteed to be in your game and you even get a marker on your minimap.