Diablo – Are there any requirements to spawn the Lord of Bells rift guardian


Are there any hidden requirements to get Lord of Bells as a rift guardian? I've heard gossip, that you need to get to level 10 of rift before reaching the 100% on kill-o-meter, but it doesn't sound plausible.

So is there anything more to it, or just pure luck and any rift guardian could spawn as The Cow?

Best Answer

The Lord of Bells only appears in the famous Cow Level. This level is a Nephalem Rift with a very (like very) low chance of spawning. When activating the Obelisk, one day, the level that you open, instead of being "Bartuc's Madness" or "The Vizir's Abyss" (or whatever fancy name), will be The Cow Level. This rift is like every other (random place) however every monster that you will encounter will be a cow and the Rift Guardian will be The Lord of Bell once you reach 100% (plus the rift always contain 10 levels). I have completed more than 500 Rift without actually seeing it, some people got it after 700+ rift just by luck.

Short answer : No there isn't, just the luck of getting the Cow Level Rift.