Diablo – As a Monk, will the skills be hindered by equipping a shield


I'm currently playing a Monk in Diablo 3.

Recently, I found a shield, and noticed that I was able to equip it. I was under the impression that Monks used unarmed abilities and attacks. Equipping the shield gives me a nice defense boost, but I'm afraid it will hinder my damage, my ability to use skills, or both.

Is using a shield on a Monk going to get me in a bind?

Best Answer

Monks do not suffer from equipping a shield, except for losing the ability to equip a 2nd fist weapon or wield a 2-handed monk staff.

To note, the majority of the monk skills involve the monk sheathing his weapons in the first place (fist-weapons excepted), so you do tend to wind up with your shield on your back a lot, but its a visual effect only, as you can still block attacks as normal.