Diablo III Achievements – When Do Deckard Cain’s Talk Options Become Available? Timeline of Deckard Cain’s Dialogue


I'm missing some of the talks with Deckard Cain and want to know when they can be made. To make this question more informative, I ask for all the different conversations that are needed for the achievment.

Best Answer

Available Dialogues in Diablo 3 for Deckard Cain

Who Are You?

Available at the start of the quest: A Shattered Crown

Prophecy of the End Days

Available at the start of the quest: A Shattered Crown

Your Adopted Niece

Available at the start of the quest: A Shattered Crown

Mad King Leoric

Available at the start of the quest: A Shattered Crown Disappears at the start of Sword of the Stranger

The Mysterious Stranger

Available at the start of the quest: Sword of the Stranger Disappears at the start of the Broken Blade *Not needed for conversation achievement.

The Archangel Tyrael

Available at the start of the quest: Sword of the Stranger

The Horadrim

Available at the start of the quest: The Broken Blade

Origins of the Coven

Available at the start of the quest: The Broken Blade

The Worldstone

Available after the end of the quest: The Broken Blade Inaccessible at the start of The Doom of Wortham. *NOTE: You can use the quest choose method to start at the beginning of Doom of Wortham, just don't talk to The Stranger, since when the quest officially starts, Deckard can't be talked to anymore.

Leah and Cain's Travels

Available after the end of the quest: The Broken Blade Inaccessible at the start of The Doom of Wortham. *NOTE: See above for details about the last 3 convos.

Taken from http://soe.hubpages.com/hub/Deckard-Cain-Lore-and-Character-Dialogue-Guide-Diablo-3