Diablo – Can a Random Property on Weapons Spawn more than one Bonus


Lets take for example this Sever Legendary Sword

1-Hand Legendary Sword 323.4–513.8 Damage Per Second

(165-251)–(297-483) Damage

1.40 Attacks per Second

+87-173 Minimum Damage

+116-231 Maximum Damage

+130-149 Vitality

+5-12% Damage to Demons

Critical Hit Chance Increased by 1.0%

1.0-2.6% Chance to Stun on Hit

+1 Random Magic Properties

Then, we have this roll here :

Maybe bugged Sword ?

Since the cap of vitality on this weapon is 149, and it has no strength spawn, i can assume that the "random property" rolled "strength".

That being said, where the others +50 vitality or so came from ?

Is this possible ?


Best Answer

Seems like it can.

I Just checked this table here. On the second page of Affixes, there these bonuses :

Prefix  Vigorous    +(36-120) Strength +(36-120) Vitality   
Prefix  Relentless  +(30-108) Strength +(30-108) Vitality   
Prefix  Relentless  +(33-112) Strength +(33-112) Vitality   
Prefix  Vigorous    +(39-124) Strength +(39-124) Vitality   
Prefix  Vigorous    +(42-133) Strength +(42-133) Vitality   
Prefix  Ruthless    +(45-150) Strength +(45-150) Vitality

So it happens that a magic property may spawn more than one attribute, this is crazy.