Diablo – Can the Templar (follower) actually tank Act 3 and 4 Inferno


I cannot afford to equip my Templar with really good items, as I have to use all my money on my main char.

The Templar seems to do really nice in Act 1 with the gear I gave him.

This looks quite different in Act 2. Here he can only divert the enemy for a few hits until he dies. Act 3 is a disaster, he usually just dies from 1 to two hits. I need him to tank about 5-7 hits so my DH can deal the required damage without getting bothered.

Can I somehow equip him with gear that he can actually help in Act 3 and 4 or am I on my own from now on? What items should I look for?

Again the question is not: What follower should I use, but can I use the Templar with really good gear in Act 3 and 4?

Best Answer

Nope. The armor of your follower and damage reduction is just waaaaay too low to tank anything in inferno. Since there's no way to outfit him with armor other than a shield and what few mods you can get on jewelry, its simply not feasible. Your best bet is to give him as much +vit and magic find gear(at least you get 20% of the mf benefit) as possible and just have him soak up damage and distract enemies with his stun.