Diablo – Do Melee/Missile Damage Reduction Apply to Followers


Does the secondary affix "Reduces Damage from [Melee|Ranged] Attacks by [n]%" work on Followers (Enchantress, Templar, and Scoundrel)?

Clarification: I am not asking if I equip this to my Hero, would it affect my Follower. I am asking if equipping a Follower with an item bearing this affix will actually work. The reason why I ask is that, Damage Reduction does not appear on the Follower's Detail Sheet.

Best Answer

I'm going to assume that you mean: Does equipping the affix on yourself apply to your followers. (Obviously equipping it on them would work)

The answer is no, it only applies to the person or follower that currently has the equipment on them.

If you equip the item on a follower, it applies to them. You just don't see it because it counts as a hidden stat.