Diablo – Does gathering many legendaries before identifying have any advantages


I recently started playing Diablo3 again after taking a break for some moths. While playing solo I enjoy watching streams because they're sometimes really informative. Something I noticed there was that most streamers would first gather lots of legendaries before actually identifying them. I saw this behaviour at /r/diablo3 too, so I thought of any advantages this would have but the only thing I could think of was that you might always equip the best item out of a larger pool of items, but this seems to be only relevant to characters with a already pretty good item level. So why would people not want to identify their legendaries on fresh 70 toons? Especially if they have hundreds of millions of gold so that enchanting one semi-good item does not hurt them that much?

Best Answer

The group of people streaming for the most part know the game rather well. They know what the item is when it drops by its icon. Almost all of the legendary and set items that drop to one of these players is just going to end up as one Forgotten Soul of many.

So they gather them all up, and id them all at once so that they can go through and salvage them all at once. Items have their stats rolled when they drop, so there is no advantage to waiting to identify them. All the process does is show the stats, it does not calculate them.

This is just a time saving mechanism. I guarantee if they have one of the more rare items drop, such as Kridershot, Tasker and Theo, The Furnace, Stone of Jordan, etc. (the 1 in a 1000 drops) they will id it rather soon.

These players have a full set of best in slot items. Unless a possible replacement drops, it is probably useless to them.

late edit

For fun, I tried this out. I haven't been playing much lately, but since I really had no use for gear I collected a whole inventory and id'd it.

enter image description here enter image description here

Unfortunately it was mostly useless and did not benefit from all being id'd at the same time. Overall, it resulted in a stack of Forgotten Souls.