Diablo – Does playing with friends increase your ability to gain infernal rings faster


Assuming the probability of getting key is 25% (torment 1).

If playing single, we get:

  • 4 tries per key
  • 4 keys for machine
  • 4 machines per organ
  • 4 organs per ring

So a total of 256 attempts, for a single ring.

What about if we play with 4 of our friends? Does that increase our chances of getting those rings?

Best Answer

With 4 players you get the keys a lot faster.

  • You need 1/4 as many runs because you get the same amount of keys and can share portals.
  • You increase magic find.
  • You can split to find the keywardens and port to eachother.
  • You can kill the bosses on higher torment than on your own because of partybuffs+revive

Easiest way to do this is splitting up for act 1,2,4 at first then as soon as someone finds one you port to them until only act 3 is left and then everyone ports there and search the map.