Diablo – Does the newest Nvidia driver support 3D Vision in Diablo 3


I used version 300+

http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/3123040038?page=2 says that version 280+ already support diablo 3.

Yet when I tried diablo 3 in 3D I do not see anything different. It still look 3D but as any 3D run on full screen.

It's not impressive. What am I missing? Do I need to set up a 3D profile for diablo 3? If so how?

Some said that diablo 3 is simply not 3D ready yet.

In general any video card have data on the depth. So I wonder why the game has to be 3D ready? As long as they display 3D rendered images any video card should be able to incorporate that.

Best Answer

Yes, you can play Diablo 3 in Stereoscopic 3D. Here is a great guide in setting it up: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/5960916051