Diablo – How does blocking work in Diablo 3


I see all shields have a block% and a damage reduction component.

I have 2 Questions:

  1. If an attack proc a block. Is the block damage reduction applied before or after armor and relevant resistance have been applied?

  2. What damage sources are possible to block?

    • Can you block Melee and physical projectiles? (I presume yes)
    • Can you block Elemental projectiles?
    • Can you block Physical AoE attack?
    • Can you block Elemental AoE attacks?
    • Can you block DoT ticks? (molten, desecrator etc)

Best Answer

1) Your block is applied after armor/resistances are calculated. Shields would be useless at later difficulty levels if this wasn't the case.

2) You can block any damage, including ranged attacks, magic attacks, AOE attacks, DOTs, etc. In addition, blocking works the same regardless of the direction you're facing or if you're moving or not.

Side note: No stat affects your block chance. What you see on your equipment or on your skills is what you get.