Diablo – How does the life-draining effect of Bul-Kathos’s Wedding Band work


There is a ring called Bul-Kathos's Wedding Band, which has a special Legendary Effect that says

You drain life from enemies around you.

I am currently wearing this on my Level 70 Wizard, but not really seeing and/or feeling the effect…

I want to know:

  • Do you actually gain the life, as in a life-steal effect?
  • How much life is 'drained'? Is it a fixed amount or a percentage of weapon damage perhaps?
  • What is the radius for this to work? 10 Yards, 15 Yards?
  • Does it drain any and all, or only the ones I have hit?

Best Answer

I have looked around and found the following, closest I could find:

  1. It returns 1% of YOUR MAX LIFE per second as long as 1 mob is around you.
  2. If more than 1 mob is around you you still only gain 1% of YOUR MAX LIFE
  3. It damages all mobs around you for 0.4% of MOB'S CURRENT LIFE. Thus the damage it does to a mob gets smaller as a mob loses life.
  4. You cannot kill mobs with this effect alone, when their life gets low enough it stops doing damage.
  5. Range of it is extremely short

Quoted from https://us.diablo3.com/en/item/bulkathoss-wedding-band-Unique_Ring_020_x1