Diablo – How to avoid Belial’s slam attacks


I'm used to playing a Monk, where I'm defensive enough that the slams don't really bother me and have enough healing that I never really gave them any thought.

Now, I'm playing a Demon Hunter, and even though he telegraphs the slams with a big green meteor circle, I don't know how to avoid the impact. Even if his arm doesn't hit me, I'm still taking damage from the slams. Since I die in 2 hits to the slams, and my healing options are limited (potions have a cooldown and my damage output isn't exactly amazing while I'm running for my life to take advantage of Shadow Power), the best option is probably to avoid taking damage from them altogether.

Is there any pattern to his slams? How should I move to avoid them once he starts telegraphing that that's his plan?

To clarify, since there has been some confustion, this is not asking for Demon Hunter specific strategies. This is asking about Belial's attack pattern and how to predict and avoid it in general.

Best Answer

He has 2 different punch attacks (this doesn't include his fire/poison breath move, or his meteor phase).

The first is just a generic one handed punch/slam that is aimed very close to your character. To dodge this move you just have to move as soon as you see him winding up. Any movement abilities can help here (Vault, Spiritwalk, Leap etc) because this is his quickest and hardest to dodge move (but it's also the weakest).

The second is a 3 punch combo, this move can either be a right/left/both combo or a right/right/both combo (both seem to strike the same places so the strategy is the same). Both combos will not move once they're started, that is, once he starts the first punch, he'll keep punching the same area even if you move away.

To dodge this combo, move to the right when you see a green circle to your left, and then immediately after it hits, start moving to your left (movement abilities will help again here), keep moving until you've moved past where the green circle was. His next two hits (either left hand or right hand, then both) should miss, and you're able to fire away without fear of him striking again until the animation is done.