Diablo – How to do if I’ve attracted a bunch of vultures


In act 2 of Diablo III there are vulture-like monsters that circle in the air around the hero until they spot a "weakness", and then they swoop down to attack. What is the definition of "weakness", and is there anything I can do to force them down earlier, when I'm not at a disadvantage?

Best Answer

In my experience, the "moment of weakness" is when one of the following applies:

  • You have less than maximum health.
  • You have encountered another monster pack and they are attacking you or you are attacking them.

If you have some way of damaging yourself in a controlled setting - e.g. by activating a weak trap - it might be a relatively safe way of getting them down.

However, they also swoop down if you just let some time pass, so if you have the patience and don't want to be attacked at a disadvantage, just wait it out.