Diablo – How to drop aggro against monsters while playing solo


On numerous occasions, I've needed to run away from enemies and retreat to safety by dropping aggro so that the enemy will give up their pursuit. Sometimes, it seems quite easy. Other times, however, the monster seems content to chase me for quite a while before ultimately giving up. I'm curious if there are any general-purpose rules of thumb out there regarding how and when aggro can be dropped in a single-player game (with or without a Follower).

Is it merely based on distance between you and the enemy, line-of-sight, pursuit time, or something else? Does it vary between normal and Champion/Rare/Unique monsters? Are there any other factors that go into it?

While I'm aware that certain class-specific abilities exist for doing this (Smoke Screen, etc.), I'm specifically interested in the general mechanics of how to drop aggro when attempting to run away, regardless of class.

Best Answer

According to the answers on the question How does aggro work in Diablo III?, aggro is triggered by damage and proximity. And each period of time a monster will lose aggro and search for a new target.

According to this, if you want to drop aggro from monsters you need to run away and slow them down to gain distance from them. Then, once their time to reassign aggro comes, the'll will look for a new target. But since you are far enough from them (hopefully), and didn't hurt them, they'll leave you alone.

So, in order to gain this:

  • Don't use any DOT (damage over time), as it'll refocus their aggro on you due to the damage done.
  • If you have any +speed gear, put it on
  • Use slowing of freezing abilities (that don't cause DOT)
  • Relocation abilities such as teleport or leap attack will help you, especially if they can make you jump over a gap that the monsters can't cross.
  • Abilities with knock back might help to get a head start.