Diablo 3 – Install Guide with Minimal Data Download


My home internet has data usage caps. I'd like to install Diablo 3 and RoS using as little data as possible. What is the best way to do this?

It seems the two options are:

Using the Disk –

  1. Install Diablo 3
  2. Install Reaper of Souls
  3. Patch


Using the online installer –

  1. Install and patch using the online installer

Which of these options will require less data to be downloaded?

Best Answer

I was able to reduce the total download size from ~14.6GB to ~8.9GB using the disk.

Here are the steps I took. Some of these may or may not be necessary, starting off with the disk alone may work fine.

  1. Start with the Diablo 3 Online Installer
  2. Let it begin the patch download process.
  3. Pause and exit the patch client.
  4. Insert the Diablo 3 or Reaper of Souls Disk (They both have the same data)
  5. The patcher will launch again and begin "Initializing"
  6. The patcher will then resume the normal patch process.

I believe the "Initializing" step automatically reads from the disk. I could see that the Diablo 3/Data/data folder was being populated with patch data, yet my internet connection was idle. This process cut my total download size almost in half.

I'm fairly certain that starting the update process from the disk alone would have resulted in the full 14GB+ download. Unfortunately I'm not really able to confirm that. In either case, these steps (even if superfluous) lead to the least amount of data being downloaded.