Diablo – How to maximize the cooldown reduction


I'm trying to maximize my cooldown reduction of skills. Is there somewhere where I can find the following information?

  • Is there a list of all item slots where Cooldown Reduction can spawn?
  • Is there a list of all legendary items with Cooldown Reduction?

What is the maximum cooldown reduction I can achieve through gear?

Best Answer

As far as I know from personal experience playing the game, cooldown reduction can spawn in seven different slots (max value for level 70 rare items given in brackets):

  • Shoulders (7%)
  • Gloves (7%)
  • 2x Ring (7%)
  • Amulet (7%)
  • Offhand (7%)
  • Weapon (9%)

There are no legendary items I know of which would give an extraordinary reduction to all skills (however, there are certain legendaries which specialize on cooldown reduction of single skills). But generally:

  • Legendaries of same types as above (X%+1%)

Where X% is either 9% in case of weapon, or 7% for the other mentioned slots.

Apart from items, there are diamond gems, which reduce cooldown when put into a socket in a helmet. The highest tier gives:

  • Flawless Royal Diamond in a helmet socket (12.5%)

Every character can get cooldown reduction from Paragon Levels through Paragon Points:

  • Paragon Points (10%) - [max reachable when slightly under Paragon Level 200]

Finally, the best character class for the cooldown reduction stat is Wizard, since this class has a passive skill giving:

  • Evocation (20%)

Now, we should keep in mind that even though the symbol % is used to quantify cooldown reduction, the formula which combines the different amounts from different sources is not additive but multiplicative. Therefore, for all the above contributions we get in total (assuming all legendary items):

1 - 0.8*0.9*0.875*(0.92^6)*0.9 = 0.656...

So that, apparently, the maximal achievable effective cooldown reduction is 65.6% (generally, not talking about specific skills for which specific legendaries provide a much greater reduction). I heared that much higher values of over 74% could be achieved during the beta. However, Blizzard nerfed many things for the release, so that this might just be one of those. If I missed something, let me know.