Diablo – In Diablo III, how can I change what Chat region I’m in, or join a global channel


When I log into Diablo, it appears that I'm placed into a mini-region of sorts for chatting – the general chat seems to be limited to 99 people, and the specialized chat rooms have very small amounts of people in them, I assume because I'm in a mini-region of sorts. This region seems to change every time I log out/log in.

Is there a way to change this region without logging out/in, or is there a global channel I can join? Say I want to join Witch Doctor chat, and there are only 7 people in it, that is not very helpful.

Best Answer

Unfortunately, there's currently no way to change this region selectively.

(Fortunately)There's no public chat that allows all people in, either. The reason for this is obvious: Imagine a chat room with thousands of people in it. I think it would be impossible to have any conversation with anybody when that chat is active.