Diablo – is campaign bonus based on lowest used difficulty


This is about the guaranteed legendary and reapers fear we get for completing act 1-4 and act 5. Will it be based on the lowest difficulty used during the campaign or the difficulty at completing the last quest?

I wanna farm for reapers wraps, so the question is should I do the campaign on normal and kill Diablo and Matheal on torment 2? Or play the entire campaign at torment 2?

Best Answer

The loot quality is determined by your character's level, not the difficulty so you will get the same quality items in Normal or Torment 2. What changes is the drop rate of crafting materials which is really low in normal (15%) and up to 77% in Torment 6 so higher the difficulty, better the chance of finding the material. As for your concern regarding the whole campaign, it doesnt matter in which difficulty you played, only the difficulty at the time you kill Malthael matters.