Diablo III – Is Hero Left-Handed or Right-Handed?


In WoW and other games you see some difference in using an speed weapon in your left weapon slot and your right weapon slot.

Is there any difference in Diablo 3? Should I use the X weapon in slot Y?

Best Answer

The other answer is not always correct. Some skills use only the main hand weapon damage: see here or here. These tend to be skills that fire infrequently, possibly with long cooldowns. If those skills fire less frequently than the slower weapon, attack speed is irrelevant. Only weapon damage matters. For those skills, you are better off having the weapon with the higher damage in your main hand -- even if it has a lower damage per second (DPS).

Note: in most cases, the other answer should be correct. Most skills alternate hands. Only particular builds are affected at all and they are only impacted when the relevant skill is used.