Diablo – limit to the number of cyclones that can be spawned from Sweeping Wind


I like the Cyclone rune for Sweeping Wind, and it seems to be pretty powerful, but I was wondering about how much value I should place on +crit chance gear. Is there a limit on how many Cyclones can be spawned at once? I'm sure that I've seen multiple spawn at once from a Fists of Thunder, so I don't think there is an internal cooldown and I've also seen 5-6 spawned at once. But that still doesn't prove anything, so my question: Does anyone know if there is a limit (hard, or soft like an internal CD) on how many cyclones can be spawned at the same time?

Best Answer

I don't believe there is a limit. If there is one, it's quite likely to be unreachable.

Here is a screenshot of 5 simultaneous cyclones made using a 21% crit chance and several crits per second.

screenshot http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/558692204679386275/A0715CB169CE0AA81FAA7A28F431A6600DB23151/

You have to remember that not only do they only spawn when you crit, but it's also a chance to spawn. Getting many more than 5 is very unlikely, they despawn very quickly.