Diablo – reason why weapons are so cheap on the auction house


As this is usually exactly the opposite in other games, this is confusing me somewhat, especially since the essential mechanics are still the same.

The weapon slot is still the slot which has the potential to increase your DPS the most, yet really, really good equipment on the auction house seems to be dirt-cheap, while other equipment types (essentially everything that is not a weapon or off-hand), is really expensive.

I just spent 5k gold to increase my DPS by 50%, and I'm Level 55.

Is there a special reason why people sell weapons so cheaply? Are they dropped more commonly than other types of equipment?

Best Answer

Because weapons, unlike armor, need to be upgraded more frequently.

Staying ahead of the curve when it comes to your weapons is one of the most important factors in succeeding at higher difficulty levels. They hold such a huge influence on how much you can dish out in a given time, and therefore also directly impact your survivability, as killing something faster means taking less damage.

Since weapons do not bind to a character in any way when equipped, you are creating a situation where everyone is just paying a fee for a short term equipment rental before putting it back on the Auction House for the next renter. Couple this with all classes being able to use most weapons, and you have a situation where supply will constantly be pulling farther away from demand.