Diablo – Searching for mod to Diablo II Lord Of Destruction


I'm trying to find an mod for Diablo II LoD which I played a few years ago on a friends laptop. This friend doesn't remember name of the mod. The problem is that I have very limited information which can help me to find it.

First thing that I remember from this mod is theme music. Original music was replaced by nice rock theme "Yngwie Malmsteen – I Am A Viking".

Second thing that I remember is that all stats ( weapon , armor and skills ) were raised.

Third and the last thing that I remember was that the Den of Evil only contained Diablo (many of them) so after finishing the normal game you can back from nightmare and go there and farm some EQ.

That's all I know. Does anyone know what mod this is?

Best Answer

The mod is called Valhalla, here is the splash screen where "I Am a Viking" plays:

Valhalla Splash screen

This image was pulled from www.moddb.com/mods/valhalla which also seems like the best place to get the mod these days; I believe it used to be hosted on Phrozen Keep