Diablo – the optimal way to grind the Black Mushroom


I am only missing the Black Mushroom to have all the ingredients for the "Staff of herding". So I have to try and get it. The problem is it is unclear where it drops. So sources say you find it in Level 1,2 and 4 of the Cathedral in Act I. There are also some pictures of people finding the Black Mushroom outside. What is the optimal way of going about getting this ingredient?

Best Answer

The best place to find Black Mushrooms is (as others have said) the Cathedral Level 1.

The Cathedral is randomly generated, so you'll want to explore Level 1 fully, and if you don't find it, leave the game and return. The Cathedral will regenerate, and you'll have another opportunity to find the mushroom.

If you've passed this area already, the best story checkpoint for this is "Act 1: Part 4 - Reign of the Skeleton King." You'll start in town, so use the waypoint in town to take you to the Cathedral Garden. Walk southwest, through the gate, and around to the front of the Cathedral. Open the door, and descend through the hole in the floor to get to Cathedral Level 1.

Arrowmaster also suggests starting with the quest "The Legacy of Cain," with the stage "Explore Cellar" - if you play through this quest to the checkpoint at the Cathedral, you'll shave a bit of time leaving and re-entering the game.