Diablo – there to do after beating Inferno mode


I beat Inferno mode on Diablo 3 so I'm trying to figure out what to do next. There are a couple things I know about, like grinding up your paragon level, but that doesn't really appeal to me. I'm hoping someone can list the activities you can do after Inferno mode so I can decide whether to keep playing or move onto something else.

What is there to do besides beating Inferno mode?

Best Answer

To answer the original question, the closest equivalent to the Pandemonium Event in Diablo 3 is the Infernal Machine Event. You can of course perform this sequence as many times as you like (just as you can continue to beat Inferno repeatedly). If you are looking for a new goal though, leveling your character to the point of being able to build a single Hellfire Ring is a reasonable goal. It's possible to build a Hellfire Ring even on lower Monster Powers, but it's easier on the higher ones (how many runs to get a Hellfire Ring).