Diablo III – Understanding Enemy Levels in Version 2.4.2


I know that previously enemies would level up with you as you leveled. Is that still the case. Is it possible to know the approximate level of monsters you fight?

Presumably the enemy levels would scale according to the Torment level in some fashion. However the torment scaling tables I have looked at only display damage and health, nothing about levels.

This would be handy for gauging resistances, my barbarian has >100% resistance to, well everything that can cause damage. However it does state that this is only for level 70 monsters. Given I do in fact take damage still.. one would have to surmise that the enemies are above level 70; by how much is unclear. or that the resistance calculation is multiplicative and not additive. This means a tooltip with 89 + 20 isn't a total of 109 but instead 91.2

Best Answer

enter image description here

The blue arrow in this image is where you can view the game level of monsters in your game. The 70 represents the level of all monsters in the game.

There is no approximating because all monsters will scale to this level as it changes as you level up in game.

Higher difficulties do not matter in regards to monster level, it just adds monster % buffs.