Diablo III – Where to View Tyrael’s Sacrifice Cinematic In-Game


The Diablo 3 main menu has a Cinematics button:

enter image description here

Where you can choose to view cinematics you've unlocked:

enter image description here

Except you'll notice there's no option to view Tyrael's Sacrifice again.

enter image description here

Where's the option to view Tyrael's Sacrifice again?

Best Answer

https://eu.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/4209931810 This forum solved this issue for me, i was missing tyrael's sacrifice - the best cutscene!

Open My Documents\Diablo III\D3Prefs.txt (for win7/vista, not sure where it is in xp or os-x) in notepad and change the "PlayedCutscene" lines to (or add them if they are missing)

PlayedCutscene0 "31"
PlayedCutscene1 "31"
PlayedCutscene2 "23"
PlayedCutscene3 "143"