Diablo III – Crowd Control Effects on Treasure Demons


What sort of crowd controlling effects (snares, stuns, confusion, etc) actually work on treasure demons? Does it vary by difficulty?

Best Answer

I actually find slowing/snaring them down more effective as it lasts and lets you run to position yourself to chase them into a corner.

I've tried this quite a few times, works really well because once they're in the corner you can start dealing constant dps towards the fiend itself because all they'll do is try to get into you (and they cant run further than that corner they've cornered themselves into).

For wide open areas, you could always try to nuke them (if your damage is high enough) and acquire a fast kill before they run into a mob of monsters or champions. Also, you could clear the entire area around the goblin out first before trying to take it (the goblin) out, also improves your chances of killing it that way. (I do this on inferno so that i don't actually have my butt kissed by mobs of monsters or champions while i'm trying to nuke that sneaky running bastard)

If you're talking about confusion/knockback/etc, i wouldnt recommend it as confusion (although it lasts only a while, only serves to make the goblin run away from you - which is what it exactly does even when not confused), while knockback pushes the goblin away, which isn't exactly what you want. You want to have a skill that allows you to catch up with the goblin and position yourself into a place where it will run into a corner or at least not into a fresh group of mobs (That's the basic idea, unless you're playing on a very easy mode).

Also, for the amount of reward that a goblin can give you, treading carefully and making a very precise action plan would actually be quite rewarding at times.

So yeah, its hard, sometimes confusing, but if you perfect a plan you'll be laughing all the way to your stash. :P