Diablo – Where to buy third-party equipment


I'm new on Diablo III, I've buy this game after Auction House official closure, so it's harder for me to build my own (decent) equipment.

I've 11 millions and I know that is not much money, but anyways I can't know the prices of nothing 'cause there is no an Auction House to compare prices and I've never buy from anyone.

Before do nothing I've investigated about the ways to buy or trade efficientlly in Diablo III, and I've seen a LOT of Scammers videos in Youtube, and posts of people in the official Blizzard forum and Diablo3Fans forum about backdoors/bugs/hacks in the trade system with people that stole ALL your money in less than 2 seconds… so I'm very scared to loose my money.

There is a safe (and possible fast) way to buy equipment from other people in this game? I mean how to get attention to buy/sell and how to do it safelly? 'cause if I need to send an mp for each player to know what items he have and if he want trade or sell then it can takes forever.

Best Answer

Seeing as how with Loot 2.0 players can no longer trade gold, and legendary items are account bound (unless they drop for someone you are in a party with at the time), there isn't really any way for you to buy any gear from others. You can trade rare, magic, and normal items with other players, but not for gold. Health potions can be traded.