Diablo – Who are the voice actors for the player characters and followers


IMDb lists some of the voice actors and their parts—including the very recognizable Wizard Princess Azula and Malcolm Reed the Templar—but only has the Wizards, and female Demon Hunter and Witch Doctor actors.

Who did the voice acting for each of the 10 player characters and 3 followers? Bonus points for mentioning how they might be commonly known (other Blizzard games, TV series regular, etc.)

Best Answer

It just so happens that all of the main cast is listed under the Credits button. I've written them down below for reference, including a link to their IMDB page where available. The vast majority of them have voice acted for other big games, including Star Wars: The Old Republic and Mass Effect 3.

Player Characters

Leading Cast


Additional Characters

Furthermore, there are a ton of people credited for "Additional Voices" and "Monster Voice Effects".

EDIT: In the interest of providing a source for this, I've added a screenshot of the first part of the credits as well.

Credits from Diablo III

Credits from Diablo III