Diablo – XP mechanics for different levels coop in console Diablo 3


Let's consider a case when there's a game with three 15 level character and one 1 level.
What will happen with monsters and experience in this case? I am talking about local co-op on the same screen, not multiplayer.

I mean what level of monsters should we expect? Will it be playable for both types of players (for example, 15 level monsters I guess will one shot the 1 level character)?

And how much experience will be getting by 1 level character? 15 level characters? How fast will they balance in levels?

Best Answer

Monsters spawn in zones. Zones determine the levels and kinds of monsters. This is the same regardless of the number of players.

Scenario one: Solo level 15 in a level 15 zone. Fights enemies and gets some amount of xp per kill (suppose it's 20 xp).

Scenario two: Two level 15s in a level 15 zone. Fights enemies. Each player gets the same xp per kill as the soloer in scenario one (each player gets 20 xp for each dying monster). Adding a player increases monster hitpoints and quantity spawned.

What about level differences?

Well that's answered over here: How does experience work in groups of heroes with different levels? The only difference on console is that you are never out-of-range to earn xp. So xp is always copied perfectly between characters playing together (except with death, untested).

Will it be playable for both types of players?

No. Level 15 monsters will destroy level 1 characters. Level 1 monsters will not reward level 15 characters.