Did I lose access to the quest because I lost a game of Gwent


Around the time you get your stuff back in Vizema, just after the talking to

the King and Yennifer

there is a gentleman sitting the the courtyard with a yellow "!" questmarker on the mini map.

I rushed over, eager to get a new quest, and ended up in a game of Gwent which I only narrowly lost despite having far inferior cards.

The quest icon promptly disappeared and now I am wondering if I lost my chance to get a quest from this guy.

Has anyone beaten him at Gwent and received a quest or is the marker just there to indicate that you can play Gwent with him? I would assume that this is not the case as it disappears after losing.

Best Answer

I completed that particular bit a few hours ago. If I recall, nothing happened after I'd beaten him, I'm pretty sure it was just to signify that you could play gwent against him.