Difference between the PS4 and GoG version of Mount and Blade

mount-and-blade-warbandversion differences

I am planning to buy Mount and Blades: Warbands, either the PC version on GoG, or the PS4 version.

Beyond the fact that the PC version has extensions like Napoleonic Wars and Vikings, are there any other differences?

Are those extensions substantial enough for solo play that I should choose the PC version for them? Or are they only multiplayer extensions which would be worthless to me?

Best Answer

Mount and Blade Warband Napoleonic Wars is a multiplayer only module for Mount and Blade Warband, so you can easily skip that if you don't care about multiplayer. Viking Conquest does have single player and is quite a good module for the game.

There are no discernible differences between the PC version and PS4 version minus the major PC modding scene. The Mount and Blade modding community is quite large and has made tons of different types of modules for your game such as Floris which completely overhauls and adds tons of new mechanics to the vanilla game if you prefer the normal game play. So if you prefer to play single player only Mount and Blade Warband the PC version would most likely be your best bet.