Difference between tilted and triggered


I'm new to overwatch and from the few times I've heard ppl saying things on open mic I commonly hear the following phrases :

  • I'm tilted.
  • I'm on tilt
  • I'm triggered
  • This is triggering

Or some variation of those phrases. Now based off of the link here What is the meaning of 'Tilting' or 'Being on Tilt'?

I under stand what tilt is. But is it the same as being triggered? Or is there some other meaning of the word triggered in this context?

Best Answer

Triggered usually refers to someone getting upset at some behavior or action taken by someone else. It has a similar meaning to getting "ticked off".

Tilting is unfocused frustration at generally everything because things aren't going your way, which causes you personally to perform worse, which can worsen tilt.

Tilted and triggered are very different.