Difference between unlocking card decks and purchasing DLC deck packs


Is one able to unlock all the cards in MTG-DoP-2012 by just playing single player or are there some cards that are obtainable only by purchasing DLC deck packs? If there some that are only obtainable through purchasing, does anyone know of an online list of these cards?

Best Answer

There are two ways of getting cards unlocked in the standard M:TG Planeswalker games - you either play through the single player game multiple times with each of the decks, which will eventually unlock everything, or you can pay for the deck unlocks. You can get the full listings of all the cards in the decks that come with the game at http://www.wizards.com/Magic/Digital/DuelsOfThePlanesWalkers.aspx?x=mtg/digital/d12/decks - this will show you not only the unlockables for the standard decks but also the expansion decks and scheme decks that are used in multiplayer.

The rest of the DLC out there (The Deck Packs and the Expansion Pack) are totally optional, but you can only get their decks and cards by purchasing them - they are not able to be earned simply by beating the game. Pack 1 adds "March To War" (a R/W Soldier deck) and "Ghoulkeeper" (a black Zombie deck). Pack 2 nets you "Dark Heavens" (Black & White, angels & demons) and "Forest's Fury" (a Green stompy deck). The expansion pack will get you three new decks in addition to new cards for the old decks.