Do about griefing in Spartan Ops


Recently I've been playing more Spartan Ops Matchmaking, because the experience gain is so much better. However, I've run into a continuous stream of scumbags who shoot me in the back, plasma pistol or destroy my vehicle, and in one case – I shit you not – pinned me in a corner and humped me.

In the past when Bungie was at the reigns, they employed the "banhammer" to dispense justice on folks of a particularly jerkish nature. Is anything like this making a return for Halo 4? If someone is hardcore griefing me in Spartan Ops, what are my options?

Best Answer

It's old fashioned, but personally, I would just give negative reviews to the idiots that spoil the game. That way they become avoided players, and your chances of running into the douches in matchmaking again drops considerably. Also, that ruins the griefers rep. Not enough people fully utilize the review system because I see far too many trash-talkers & griefers who still have 5 stars.