You earn medals by participating in Tours on Tortimer's Island. You can either do this solo, with friends, or through random matchmaking through the Internet.
The number of medals you are awarded is dependent on how well you do in each minigame. The better your performance, the more medals are rewarded. There are also 3 difficulties, from 1-3 stars, and the higher the difficulty, the more medals you earn.
For example, during the Easy Hammer Tour (1 star), I hit the machine 91 times, which gave me a Gold Tortimer award (these are bronze/silver/gold and aren't tangible, just an award to judge how well you did) and 6 medals. During the Level-Up Hammer Tour (2 stars), I hit the machine 80 times, which gave me a Gold Tortimer award and 8 medals.
In addition, when playing with multiple people, you earn Bonus Medals based on how well you did in comparison to them. The way the games work is that they are a mix of cooperative and competitive. You all have to do something that works towards a collective goal, but you do get bonuses based on how well you did. So, again using the Hammer Tour as an example, you have to hit the machine 30 times within 3 minutes. Each person's hit would go towards the total, but at the end, they would also get bonus medals for how many times they hit it.
Once you earn 50 medals, you can earn membership to "Club Tortimer", which allows you to participate in Tours with random people on the Internet. If you're not a member, you can only go on Tours with people with whom you are friends. This is handy if you don't have friends that you can play with or they're on at times when you're not available, etc.
In conclusion, the fastest way to earn medals is by playing with multiple people as opposed to solo, and playing on higher rather than lower difficulties (and performing well, to boot).
You always need to have at least one space surrounding a tree, so you can't plant it directly next to a wall, a house, or another tree. Doing so will just be a waste and the sapling will wilt and die.
X = Tree
O = Surrounding space
As an easy test, make sure you can run in a circle around the hole that you dug for your sapling.
However, I have found that in this game, you cannot have a tree completely encircled by other trees when you plant them either (can't remember if this was the case in earlier games, but I don't think so), or it will not grow.
In order to avoid this happening, try to initially plant saplings in rows of 2, so you don't accidentally block in other saplings. After these rows have progressed to the first growth stage past the sapling, you're safe to plant another row (but not another 2 rows at once, as the first "new" row would then be completely surrounded again).
Note this spacing. It theoretically should work because each hole has a full space around it, including the center one.
However, the next day, we see that the center one wilted and died. No matter how many trees you try to plant there in the center spot, they will die.
This will also fail even if you use staggered tree spacing instead of straight rows, like in the following image:
In conclusion, basic rules:
- Make sure you plant your tree with at least enough room to run around it
- Make sure you don't plant your tree completely surrounded by other trees
- Planting trees in rows of 2 initially and adding a row a day later when the trees have grown into the first stage beyond the sapling state will avoid saplings dying due to this
Best Answer
Each town should have about 16x16 inner linear squares for each Acre (attributed by previous games) and still by game factors in New Leaf. Usually a perfect town should consist of about 13-14 range of trees and about 3-5 flowers near a Villagers home (changes moods about gardening and perfecting a town on their behalf) and scattered 3-4 flowers for the acre.
Selecting the ordnance to BEAUTIFY 'NEW LEAF TOWN' PROJECT allows the Villagers to forcefully inherit the ability to water flowers and keep the balance of the Town. Not sure how this ordnance affects the Police Station items.
This game by far has the most acres that affect the game's Perfection. If ever completed, the Player will receive a Golden Watering Can that makes wilted flowers into GOLD FLOWERS used for presentation, faster hybrid breeding and nonwilting purposes. This ordnance also allows the flowers to not wilt when pondering into a time warp/timeturner/time travel effect. {Sometimes a player may use a differecnt 3DS and forget the time is mismatched and finds wilts in a town.}
It is more on over about the TYPE of town constructed/chosen and is based on the area that is balanced around you. Certain town maps have less beach front than others. This is recognized and the remarks from Isabelle on Villager views are fitted to the location of the town. More over, certain areas are patch work or bare stumped areas that have no trees or constructions; these are what Villagers worry on most.
Each sector has the ability to house more trees than any other game (for the exception of Animal Crossing 64/Gamecube's ability to cross plant trees side-by-side diagonally).
Villagers are more worried/concentrated/focused on their given constructions that are asked consequentially in a face-to-face conversation.
So far I have planted many trees all throughout town and the complaint remains "Not enough in one AREA", but I have not found any criteria listing them as acres.
The focus of the player's game is based on planting bamboos, making a planting center, and beatifying with many post around without the use of trees blocking their visibility as well.
"Perfect"/"Delicious" Gold Fruit are available by either making the uprighting of a town or by planting those had. It increases game points but as these trees are fragile be sure to plant each one found to keep ranking positive position points from Villagers.
Also, the use of grass is still wears but does not really affect perfection and is luckily slower than the previous ACCF game.
Suggestions: I do the same as well, as flowers scattered are hard to keep track of and the amount of trees in an area are easier to find exotic fruit apart from natives. Just construct from the Mayor's seat and do things that help the town.
Best Wishes