Do all missile modules use Titanium-70 in Endless Space


Here is the in-game information about Titanium-70. I have 5 units under my control, and would therefore like to take advantage of the 60% industry bonus to quickly mass an army.


The Endless Space Wiki states:

Titanium-70 is usually the first strategic resource researched by N-Way Fusion Plants. It is crucial for the development of missile technology and therefore Titanium-70 is needed to produce ships equipped with torpedoes and missiles.

This certainly seems true for Ion Torpedoes:

Ion Torpedoes

However, the information card for Unstable Torpedoes seems to contradict the Wiki. No Ti-70 requirement is listed:

Unstable Torpedoes

In fact, according to the research page, Ion Torpedoes is the only module that needs Titanium-70! What should I believe? Should I assume that all missiles require Ti-70, and will benefit from the industry bonus? Or should I lade up my ships with Ion Torpedoes to take advantage of an extremely limited bonus?

Best Answer

AFAIK only Ion Torpedoes make use of the production bonus. Maybe in the future (or in some expansion or DLC) they add further modules, but anyhow Ion Torpedoes are really good in the early game to establish a significant firepower difference. Later on (early to mid game), as your production capabilities get better, the production bonus gets less and less significant compared to the loss of firepower you get from using them.