Mario and Luigi Paper Jam – Do Battle Card Effects Stack?


Many battle cards provide buffs to Mario/Luigi/Paper Mario, including raising stats or coins/exp gained from battle. Debuffs can also be applied to enemies, lowering their stats.

There are also cards that have the same effect, but different magnitudes/circumstances. I currently have in my deck cards that give +25% experience, +50% experience, and 100% experience if the enemy is defeated on the next turn.

Do these effects stack if…

  1. Two different cards are used (Say I use the +25% exp and +50% exp in succession to attempt to get +75% exp)?
  2. The same card is used twice in a single battle (Say I use the +50% exp, it was the last card so the deck is reshuffled, and I can use the +50% exp again if it is flipped early)?

Best Answer

Yes, all of these effects stack. Using combos like the one you described is one of the primary ways to gain XP and level up.