Do Boss battles have a hidden time limit


I don't remember exactly what boss battles did which to me, but I have noticed that several boss battles gave me pg at the end while others did not.

As far as I can tell most of the boss battles that did not give pg, I took a bit longer than I would have liked.

Does anybody know if some boss battles just never give pg or if there is a turn limit where you will no longer receive pg as a reward.

Best Answer

My experience so far has led me to believe that some bosses just don't offer PG rewards. In later chapters,

when you can fight sub-mission bosses again (two times so far for all of them),

I've noticed quite a few of the bosses, possibly all, give 0 PG and EXP but 999 JP.

The amount of turns went down drastically between the fights so I don't believe that there is a turn limit.


Here's a spread sheet I've put together showing all of the boss rewards (PG, EXP, JP, Items and Steal-able Items) using GameFAQs a GameFAQ walk through as my source. If you find anything wrong or missing, feel free to let me know.

GameFAQs source