Do canals affect land value


The 1.4 patch introduced, amongst other things, canals.

Do canals affect the land value in the same way as shorelines do? I.e can I increase land value in an area by drawing some canals and building around them.

Best Answer

No, they do not. At least, not directly. There are a few considerations to make that can still have en effect; but these effects are near-insignificant.

  • A quay slightly raises the ground (compared to a natural decline into the ocean), and allows a zoned building to be built slightly closer to the water's edge. Both of these things will have a positive effect on land value (but again, we're talking about tiny effects).
  • Flood barriers don't increase the land value. However, not losing houses in a flood can prevent houses from having to be rebuilt; which means that you don't have to wait for them to level up again. In other words, it keeps your cash flow steadier after a flood (but again, tiny effect).