Do defensive weapon strap-ons only take effect depending on which weapon (melee/ranged) I’m holding


For example, I have a melee weapon with the 'Iron Crossguard' defensive strap-on (deflect 15% more damage when you block):

'Iron Crossguard' defensive strap-on (deflect 15% more damage when you block)

And in combat, I attacked with my ranged weapon, so I'm now holding my ranged weapon. If I get attacked while holding the ranged weapon, will I still deflect 15% more damage when I block?

Best Answer

If you are not holding the weapon that the strap-on is...well...strapped on to when you are attacked then no the perk will not take affect and reduce the damage. Just like how if you have a bonus fire strap-on on your ranged weapon the perk does not take affect when you use your melee weapon. I would suggest using that strap-on on what ever weapon you have out the majority of the time.