Godus on Android – Understanding the Constant Generation of Gems


While unearthing some gems veins in the game for later mining I realised that every time I log to the game the vein seems to "grow" larger. I tested flatting everything around the place where the line of the vein ends and the next time I log on gems seems to go further in that place. Is this a bug (I am not seeing the gems even if they are there) or do they grow somehow?

Best Answer

Unsure if gems are meant to regenerate or not, but the earth/chests do shift a little bit each game.

I know this for sure because during one OCD session, I unveiled the corner of each treasure chest because I was close to getting stone-aged chests. On subsequent game plays, the chests have been re-buried, sometimes underneath (!?) an abode and thus no longer reachable without destruction.