Dragonvale – Is It Necessary to Keep More Than One of Each Dragon Type?


My plan right now is to keep one of each type of dragon I get. So far it seems to work out, and gives me a good base of dragons to draw from for breeding purposes.

If I end up with a dragon I already have, I usually sell it, as I don't particularly see a reason to keep more than one of each kind of dragon.

Is there any benefit to keeping multiples of dragons around?

Best Answer

More and more, I find the answer is yes, for several reasons. I somewhat disagree with Jason that you don't need to keep two at all times - it is more nuanced than that.

  1. Available breeding time is sometimes very short. Blue Moon was only available for 72 hours, for example. If you don't have the right dragons on hand for one of these short windows, you might be out of luck, unless you plan to spend gems.
  2. Getting two of all Limiteds (other than Gemstone) is essential. Once they are gone, they're gone - but a breeding pair can produce a whole park full if there is an advantage to do so.
  3. Getting two dragons let's you make eggs. By the time you hit the highest level, if you've stuck with the game that long you'll likely think about making some kind of egg display extravaganza. Trying to make an egg for any of the Epics will be quite hard without a breeding pair.
  4. The rules of the game change frequently. Until recently, there were no Large Sun and Moon Habits - making a stockpile of Sun/Moon dragons relatively unnecessary unless you had no Rainbows. Now the Large Sun/Moon habitats are the best earners - but only if you can fill them each with three Sun/Moon dragons.

But EBongo, my hibernation cave is too small !

Well, there's the rub. It is one of the reasons to prioritize hibernation cave upgrades, but in the early going you are going to be pressed for space. When in doubt, make space for a pair in this order:

  1. Limiteds (other than Gemstones)
  2. Epics
  3. Opposites/Uncommons
  4. Commons
  5. Gemstones (once your Gemstone habitats are full, there isn't much point to keeping them)