Do I only get one chance at passing Gracie’s fashion check


Gracie finally, well, graced my town today for the first time! I was nervous about passing her fashion check, but I decided to go ahead and try it anyway with only a mere two items (Basketball Shorts and a Hockey Mask for a Sporty theme). I managed, despite kind of looking like a sporty serial killer.

my mayor dressed in sporty/scary clothing

Gracie doublechecks whether you want to actually go ahead with a fashion check, which makes me wonder if I only get one chance when she's there in my town for the day. She does mention that she is there for the entire day, so I imagine I'd have time to order something from my catalog if I were worried about not passing the check.

I know that you don't get a second chance after successfully passing the check because I tried talking to her afterwards and she didn't give me one. But do I get another chance if I fail the first time?

Best Answer

Yes, she gives you two more chances. If you fail three checks, you'll have to wait until she visits the town again.